an image of a office Building

চিফ একাউন্টস এন্ড ফিন্যান্স অফিসার এর কার্যালয়

তথ্য ও সম্প্রচার মন্ত্রণালয়

কর্মকর্তা ও কর্মচারীবৃন্দ

Sl. No Name Designation Email Contact Joining Date Photo
1 MD HASINUR RAHAMAN Chief Accounts And Finance Officer (CAFO) [email protected] 01718220044 13/02/2022 an image of a man wearing suit
2 MD JOYNAL ABEDIN Deputy Chief Accounts and Finance Officer (DCAFO) [email protected] 01913387312 09/04/2023 an image of a man wearing glass
3 MD. Sohel Rana A&AO [email protected] 01917963422 23/09/2023 AN IMAGE OF A MAN WITH SMILING FACE
4 Md. Delwar Hossain A&AO 01770250757 an image of a man with mustache
5 Md. Mehedy Hossain SAS Super 01626260540 30/06/2022 an image of a white colored breaded man
6 Razu Ahamed SAS Super 01521478428 The picture is of a male person wearing a black coat and a light black mole down his face.
7 Rabeya Zannatun Shetu Auditor [email protected] 01763711475 10/02/2022 an image of a woman with short hair
8 Uttam Kumar Auditor [email protected] 01917907674 10/02/2022 an image of a man wearing tie
9 Nipa Chowdhury Auditor [email protected] 01715224903 10/02/2022 an image of a woman wearing lipstick
10 Muhammed Salauddin Auditor [email protected] 01515628602 29/08/22 an image of a man wearing strip shirt and black blazer
11 Sarmin Sultana Auditor [email protected] 01928570633 28/09/2022 an image of woman wearing hijab
12 Naszida Arfin Auditor [email protected] 01770570926 15/09/2022 An image of a women with open hair
13 Md. Raisul Islam Khan Auditor [email protected] 01723347432 15/09/2022 an image of a man wearing black colored panjabi and white prayer cap
14 Mashiur Rahman Khan Auditor [email protected] 01646313872 15/09/2022 an image of a man wearing casual shirt
15 Md. Mahbubur Rahman Auditor 01689143919 31/11/2024 A picture of a man with a white and yellow beard.
16 Auditor
17 Auditor
18 Auditor
19 Saiful Islam Junior Auditor [email protected] 01868435631 6/11/2024 an image of a man with formal shirt and black suit
20 Junior Auditor
21 Md. Enamul Haque Computer Typist [email protected] 01739419663 14/11/2022 an image of man wearing white formal shirt with black suit
22 Firoja Begum Daptory 01911336608 21/04/2014